
11 Ways That Economics Gets it Wrong

Orell, David

13,50 €
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Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar

Erscheint am: 27.02.2017

Economyths explains how the economy is the result of complex and unpredictable processes; how risk models go astray; why the economy is not rational or fair; why no woman (until 2009) had ever won the Nobel Prize for economics; why financial crashes are less Black Swans than part of the landscape; and, finally, how new ideas in mathematics, psychology, and environmentalism are helping to reinvent economics. 11 Ways that economics gets it wrong.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Orell, David
Verlag Icon Books
ISBN 9781785782299
ISBN/EAN 9781785782299
Lieferzeit Vorbestellbar
Erscheinungsdatum 27.02.2017
Einband Paperback
Format 2.8 x 19.8 x 13
Seitenzahl XXVII, 420 S.
Gewicht 336

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Icon Books
ISBN 9781785782299
Erscheinungsdatum 27.02.2017
Einband Paperback
Format 2.8 x 19.8 x 13
Gewicht 336

Economyths explains how the economy is the result of complex and unpredictable processes; how risk models go astray; why the economy is not rational or fair; why no woman (until 2009) had ever won the Nobel Prize for economics; why financial crashes are less Black Swans than part of the landscape; and, finally, how new ideas in mathematics, psychology, and environmentalism are helping to reinvent economics. 11 Ways that economics gets it wrong.

