Hermann Czech und die Dialektik der Architektur

Wiener Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte und Denkmalpflege 7

Müller, Maximilian

184 Seiten, 102 farbige Illustr., 102 col. ill.

34,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar

Erscheint am: 11.12.2023

Viennese Architect Hermann Czech has been shaping a heterogeneous and ambivalent oeuvre since the late 1960s, persisting to the present day. His approach, blending theory and practice in what he calls "Denken zum Entwurf", is a central theme. Through dialectical pairs of concepts the book explores Czech's engagement with architecture's internal contradictions and illustrates how he seeks to resolve architectural dilemmas in a dialectical manner. Czech's position is discussed in relation to the opposing pairs audacity/underestimation, consumption/production, artwork/utility, mannerism/participation, subjectivity/objectivity, and old/new. This aims to spotlight aspects of his work that have received limited attention in existing literature.

Maximilian Müller, Architekturstudium in Wien und Santiago de Chile, freie Praxis als Architekturschaffender, arbeitet in Wien.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Müller, Maximilian
Verlag Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH
ISBN 9783422802254
ISBN/EAN 9783422802254
Lieferzeit Vorbestellbar
Erscheinungsdatum 11.12.2023
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 04.03.2024
Einband Paperback
Format 1.5 x 23.5 x 16.8
Seitenzahl 184 S., 102 farbige Illustr., 102 col. ill.
Gewicht 501

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH
ISBN 9783422802254
Erscheinungsdatum 11.12.2023
Einband Paperback
Format 1.5 x 23.5 x 16.8
Gewicht 501

Viennese Architect Hermann Czech has been shaping a heterogeneous and ambivalent oeuvre since the late 1960s, persisting to the present day. His approach, blending theory and practice in what he calls "Denken zum Entwurf", is a central theme. Through dialectical pairs of concepts the book explores Czech's engagement with architecture's internal contradictions and illustrates how he seeks to resolve architectural dilemmas in a dialectical manner. Czech's position is discussed in relation to the opposing pairs audacity/underestimation, consumption/production, artwork/utility, mannerism/participation, subjectivity/objectivity, and old/new. This aims to spotlight aspects of his work that have received limited attention in existing literature.

Maximilian Müller, Architekturstudium in Wien und Santiago de Chile, freie Praxis als Architekturschaffender, arbeitet in Wien.

