re:imagine your city

rethinking urban paradigms

208 Seiten

22,00 €
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Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

The publication re:imagine your city invites you to explore and rethink current paradigms that shape our urban environments. It offers insightful perspectives on commemoration and heritage, city planning and gentrification, migration and post-pandemic changes, solidarity and critical spatial practices. The publication is the result of a collective effort by an engaged transdisciplinary network of urban practitioners, educators, researchers, artists, designers and architects in the framework of the international design lab for urban practices and transformation re:imagine your city.

Mehr Informationen
ISBN 9783948174231
ISBN/EAN 9783948174231
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 22.05.2024
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 02.06.2024
Einband Kartoniert
Format 1.8 x 24 x 17
Seitenzahl 208 S.
Gewicht 543

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
ISBN 9783948174231
Erscheinungsdatum 22.05.2024
Einband Kartoniert
Format 1.8 x 24 x 17
Gewicht 543

The publication re:imagine your city invites you to explore and rethink current paradigms that shape our urban environments. It offers insightful perspectives on commemoration and heritage, city planning and gentrification, migration and post-pandemic changes, solidarity and critical spatial practices. The publication is the result of a collective effort by an engaged transdisciplinary network of urban practitioners, educators, researchers, artists, designers and architects in the framework of the international design lab for urban practices and transformation re:imagine your city.

