
A History of Ancient Aristotelianism, Trends in Classics - Key Perspectives on Classical Research

Gili, Luca

200 Seiten

29,95 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar

Erscheint am: 02.01.2023

With the exception of Paul Moraux's Die Aristotelismus bei den Griechen (in German), the most recent books on the history of ancient Aristotelianism are H. Balthussen 2016 (The Peripatetics: Aristotle's Heirs) and A. Falcon 2018 (Aristotelismo). Both works do not follow the chronological order followed by Moraux. This book, in turn, presents the development of Aristotelian philosophy diachronically, the first English volume that does so. The book takes a philosophical approach and presents all major philosophers against the backdrop of the most recent scholarship. The book's chapters focus on the main characters and themes of ancient Aristotelianism: Eudemus, Thephrastus, Strato, Boethus of Sidon, the reception of Aristotle in middle Platonism (Eudorus, the anonymous author of the Didaskalikos), the masters of Alexander of Aphrodisias (Sosigenes, Herminus), Aspasius, Alexander of Aphrodisias. The book will be a must for all philosophy libraries around the world and the updated most updated reference work for any study on the topic of late antique Aristotelianism.

Luca Gili, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Gili, Luca
Verlag De Gruyter GmbH
ISBN 9783110993226
ISBN/EAN 9783110993226
Lieferzeit Vorbestellbar
Erscheinungsdatum 02.01.2023
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 14.12.2024
Einband Paperback
Seitenzahl 200 S.

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag De Gruyter GmbH
ISBN 9783110993226
Erscheinungsdatum 02.01.2023
Einband Paperback

With the exception of Paul Moraux's Die Aristotelismus bei den Griechen (in German), the most recent books on the history of ancient Aristotelianism are H. Balthussen 2016 (The Peripatetics: Aristotle's Heirs) and A. Falcon 2018 (Aristotelismo). Both works do not follow the chronological order followed by Moraux. This book, in turn, presents the development of Aristotelian philosophy diachronically, the first English volume that does so. The book takes a philosophical approach and presents all major philosophers against the backdrop of the most recent scholarship. The book's chapters focus on the main characters and themes of ancient Aristotelianism: Eudemus, Thephrastus, Strato, Boethus of Sidon, the reception of Aristotle in middle Platonism (Eudorus, the anonymous author of the Didaskalikos), the masters of Alexander of Aphrodisias (Sosigenes, Herminus), Aspasius, Alexander of Aphrodisias. The book will be a must for all philosophy libraries around the world and the updated most updated reference work for any study on the topic of late antique Aristotelianism.

Luca Gili, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

