Naga Land

Stimmen aus Nordostindien

Alexandra Titze-Grabec

96 Seiten, 100 farbige Illustr., 100 col. ill.

22,00 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

The Naga form a minority in Northeast India and the northwest of Myanmar and consist at the same time of thirty different ethnicities: three to four million people, with numerous languages, but no central government structures. How do they manage to preserve their traditional history and integrate into altered ways of life? How do their former practice of headhunting fit together with modern tattoos, fashion, and social media? What role does Christianity play? Authors among others from Naga Land describe various facets of their contemporary and current culture and make the Naga collection of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin appear in a new light, supplemented with contemporary objects. The artist Zubeni Lotha shows the life of the Naga today in impressive photographs.

Essays by Aküm Longchari, Dolly Kikon, Iris Odyuo, Theyiesinuo Keditsu, Elisabeth Seyerl, Kathrin Grotz, Zubeni Lotha, Roland Platz

Mehr Informationen
Autor Alexandra Titze-Grabec
Verlag Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH
ISBN 9783422990791
ISBN/EAN 9783422990791
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 02.05.2022
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 03.02.2023
Einband Kartoniert
Format 0.8 x 26.5 x 21.8
Seitenzahl 96 S., 100 farbige Illustr., 100 col. ill.
Gewicht 360

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Deutscher Kunstverlag GmbH
ISBN 9783422990791
Erscheinungsdatum 02.05.2022
Einband Kartoniert
Format 0.8 x 26.5 x 21.8
Gewicht 360

The Naga form a minority in Northeast India and the northwest of Myanmar and consist at the same time of thirty different ethnicities: three to four million people, with numerous languages, but no central government structures. How do they manage to preserve their traditional history and integrate into altered ways of life? How do their former practice of headhunting fit together with modern tattoos, fashion, and social media? What role does Christianity play? Authors among others from Naga Land describe various facets of their contemporary and current culture and make the Naga collection of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin appear in a new light, supplemented with contemporary objects. The artist Zubeni Lotha shows the life of the Naga today in impressive photographs.

Essays by Aküm Longchari, Dolly Kikon, Iris Odyuo, Theyiesinuo Keditsu, Elisabeth Seyerl, Kathrin Grotz, Zubeni Lotha, Roland Platz

