111 Adventures around the World That You Must Not Miss

Travel Guide, 111..

Ympa, Herbert

304 Seiten

30,00 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

Our memories define our lives. So we owe it ourselves to create as many wonderful memories as we can. Travel is great at creating memories and travel adventures create the most "memorable" memories. As they say: "travel is the only thing we pay for that makes us richer". The world is a big and fascinating place and affordable airfares have made it accessible for all of us. But what will you do when you get there? Will you sit on a beach or will you embark on an adventure that will enrich your life? If you prefer the latter then this book is for you. Eine Weltreise der besonderen Art. Dieser Bildband zeigt 111 Abenteuer auf der ganzen Welt, die man nicht mal so eben googeln kann. Herbert Ypma hat sie alle selbst erlebt. Während seiner zwanzigjährigen Recherche hat der Autor sie entdeckt: durch Ausprobieren, Irrtum, Glück und Zufall. Hier präsentiert er sie mit sehr persönlichen Texten und beeindruckenden Fotos: 111 Abenteuer, die man erlebt haben sollte.

Herbert Ypma is an award-winning author, photographer, art director, traveller and entrepreneur. He has written 12 books about Design and architecture including the bestselling "India Modern" and the very successful "World Design" book series. He has also written 18 books about travel including the ground breaking "Hip Hotels" book series that sold over a million copies. Herbert Ypma is a keen surfer, sailor and skier and, like a true nomad, he divides his time between Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Ympa, Herbert
Verlag Emons Verlag GmbH
ISBN 9783740809027
ISBN/EAN 9783740809027
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 05.04.2022
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 22.09.2022
Einband Gebunden
Format 2.5 x 28 x 21
Seitenzahl 304 S.
Gewicht 1511

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Emons Verlag GmbH
ISBN 9783740809027
Erscheinungsdatum 05.04.2022
Einband Gebunden
Format 2.5 x 28 x 21
Gewicht 1511

Our memories define our lives. So we owe it ourselves to create as many wonderful memories as we can. Travel is great at creating memories and travel adventures create the most "memorable" memories. As they say: "travel is the only thing we pay for that makes us richer". The world is a big and fascinating place and affordable airfares have made it accessible for all of us. But what will you do when you get there? Will you sit on a beach or will you embark on an adventure that will enrich your life? If you prefer the latter then this book is for you. Eine Weltreise der besonderen Art. Dieser Bildband zeigt 111 Abenteuer auf der ganzen Welt, die man nicht mal so eben googeln kann. Herbert Ypma hat sie alle selbst erlebt. Während seiner zwanzigjährigen Recherche hat der Autor sie entdeckt: durch Ausprobieren, Irrtum, Glück und Zufall. Hier präsentiert er sie mit sehr persönlichen Texten und beeindruckenden Fotos: 111 Abenteuer, die man erlebt haben sollte.

Herbert Ypma is an award-winning author, photographer, art director, traveller and entrepreneur. He has written 12 books about Design and architecture including the bestselling "India Modern" and the very successful "World Design" book series. He has also written 18 books about travel including the ground breaking "Hip Hotels" book series that sold over a million copies. Herbert Ypma is a keen surfer, sailor and skier and, like a true nomad, he divides his time between Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.

