Urban Agricultural Heritage

Frank Lohrberg/Katharina Christenn/Axel Timpe et al

240 Seiten, 190 farbige Illustr., 190 col. ill.

39,95 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

Urban gardening and agriculture have become important elements of sustainable urban planning in the context of persistent urbanization amid limited resources. However, a consideration of the cultural-historical dimension has been lacking up to now. The editors present the first comprehensive outline of traditional forms of food production in cities to help preserve this valuable knowledge. On the basis of current research findings, they develop new perspectives and guidelines for recognizing traditional food production systems as an aspect of cultural heritage and for dealing with urban agriculture worldwide.

Frank Lohrberg, Katharina Christenn, Axel Timpe, Ayça Sancar, Institut und Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur der RWTH Aachen

Mehr Informationen
Autor Frank Lohrberg/Katharina Christenn/Axel Timpe et al
Verlag Birkhäuser
ISBN 9783035622515
ISBN/EAN 9783035622515
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 25.11.2021
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 21.11.2022
Einband Paperback
Format 1.8 x 27.5 x 21.5
Seitenzahl 240 S., 190 farbige Illustr., 190 col. ill.
Gewicht 823

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Birkhäuser
ISBN 9783035622515
Erscheinungsdatum 25.11.2021
Einband Paperback
Format 1.8 x 27.5 x 21.5
Gewicht 823

Urban gardening and agriculture have become important elements of sustainable urban planning in the context of persistent urbanization amid limited resources. However, a consideration of the cultural-historical dimension has been lacking up to now. The editors present the first comprehensive outline of traditional forms of food production in cities to help preserve this valuable knowledge. On the basis of current research findings, they develop new perspectives and guidelines for recognizing traditional food production systems as an aspect of cultural heritage and for dealing with urban agriculture worldwide.

Frank Lohrberg, Katharina Christenn, Axel Timpe, Ayça Sancar, Institut und Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur der RWTH Aachen

