I Don't Like Books. Never. Ever. The End.

Perry, Emma

32 Seiten

10,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

Once upon a time there was a girl called Mabel. A girl who didn't like books. She used them for all sorts of things, like juggling and sledging, until the books decided they had had ENOUGH! Tossed one night into their pages, hopping between adventures, she finally discovers what she's been missing...4+ Impossible not to love books by the end of this wonderful, imaginative picture book.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Perry, Emma
Verlag David Fickling Books
ISBN 9781788450621
ISBN/EAN 9781788450621
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 02.10.2020
Einband Paperback
Format 0.5 x 26.5 x 23.5
Seitenzahl 32 S.
Gewicht 187

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag David Fickling Books
ISBN 9781788450621
Erscheinungsdatum 02.10.2020
Einband Paperback
Format 0.5 x 26.5 x 23.5
Gewicht 187

Once upon a time there was a girl called Mabel. A girl who didn't like books. She used them for all sorts of things, like juggling and sledging, until the books decided they had had ENOUGH! Tossed one night into their pages, hopping between adventures, she finally discovers what she's been missing...4+ Impossible not to love books by the end of this wonderful, imaginative picture book.

