Rude Girl

Weyhe, Birgit

310 Seiten

28,00 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

The white German graphic novelist Birgit Weyhe teaches at a US college through an academic exchange program. At a conference of American Germanists in the Midwest, she is accused of cultural expropriation. Is she exploiting her privileges as a white writer when she tells stories about Black people? She meets Priscilla Layne, an African American professor of German studies with Caribbean roots. Growing up, Priscilla is labelled an Oreo: too white for her Black classmates, and too Black for the white kids. Rebelling against everything and everyone all at once, she joins the skinhead movement and becomes a rude girl, only to discover a community where she feels valued. Music, clothes, hair, food, class, race, gender, education - her life and identity are a complex composite. But how should Birgit Weyhe tell a life story like Priscillas? What mistakes does she need to avoid? The act of storytelling itself becomes its own narrative layer in this unique graphic biography.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Weyhe, Birgit
Verlag Voland & Quist
ISBN 9783863914028
ISBN/EAN 9783863914028
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 18.10.2023
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 29.04.2024
Einband Kartoniert
Format 2.8 x 23.8 x 17
Seitenzahl 310 S.
Gewicht 922

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Voland & Quist
ISBN 9783863914028
Erscheinungsdatum 18.10.2023
Einband Kartoniert
Format 2.8 x 23.8 x 17
Gewicht 922

The white German graphic novelist Birgit Weyhe teaches at a US college through an academic exchange program. At a conference of American Germanists in the Midwest, she is accused of cultural expropriation. Is she exploiting her privileges as a white writer when she tells stories about Black people? She meets Priscilla Layne, an African American professor of German studies with Caribbean roots. Growing up, Priscilla is labelled an Oreo: too white for her Black classmates, and too Black for the white kids. Rebelling against everything and everyone all at once, she joins the skinhead movement and becomes a rude girl, only to discover a community where she feels valued. Music, clothes, hair, food, class, race, gender, education - her life and identity are a complex composite. But how should Birgit Weyhe tell a life story like Priscillas? What mistakes does she need to avoid? The act of storytelling itself becomes its own narrative layer in this unique graphic biography.

