Reconnecting the Love Energy

Dont By-pass Your Heart

Krystal, Phyllis

148 Seiten

18,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

The balance of the world needs to be restored by reactivating the heart - the world has reached a critical state of lovelessness. Time is important if we are to save this civilization from annihilation. A worldwide catastrophe could occur due to our lack of awareness of the seriousness of the imbalance resulting from the universal absence of caring. It has become desperately important for all of us to do whatever we can, to help to bring about a change, but we must do it fi rst on ourselves. Both individually and in groups we can all cooperate to bring about the necessary changes, so we need to scrutinize the many diff erent areas of activity in which people are involved, as well as all our diff erent relationships. This survey can show clearly where the heart has been omitt ed and the head has become too dominant in every area of life as we experience it now. This book is a cry for help to all those who are truly dedicated to service, whether at the individual level or on a more widespread scale. It will take the commitment of as many willing people as possible to reverse the present trend toward destruction by re-instating the heart and with that reconnecting the heart energy

Mehr Informationen
Autor Krystal, Phyllis
Verlag Sheema Medien Verlag
ISBN 9783948177690
ISBN/EAN 9783948177690
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 08.11.2023
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 05.03.2024
Einband Kartoniert
Format 1.2 x 21.1 x 14.8
Seitenzahl 148 S.
Gewicht 226

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Sheema Medien Verlag
ISBN 9783948177690
Erscheinungsdatum 08.11.2023
Einband Kartoniert
Format 1.2 x 21.1 x 14.8
Gewicht 226

The balance of the world needs to be restored by reactivating the heart - the world has reached a critical state of lovelessness. Time is important if we are to save this civilization from annihilation. A worldwide catastrophe could occur due to our lack of awareness of the seriousness of the imbalance resulting from the universal absence of caring. It has become desperately important for all of us to do whatever we can, to help to bring about a change, but we must do it fi rst on ourselves. Both individually and in groups we can all cooperate to bring about the necessary changes, so we need to scrutinize the many diff erent areas of activity in which people are involved, as well as all our diff erent relationships. This survey can show clearly where the heart has been omitt ed and the head has become too dominant in every area of life as we experience it now. This book is a cry for help to all those who are truly dedicated to service, whether at the individual level or on a more widespread scale. It will take the commitment of as many willing people as possible to reverse the present trend toward destruction by re-instating the heart and with that reconnecting the heart energy

