Sauerbruch Hutton - Drawing in Space


Anne Pitz/Simon Cowper

160 Seiten

25,00 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)

Catalogue of the exhibition SAUERBRUCH HUTTON DRAWING IN SPACE shown from 3rd February to 5th May 2024 at the Tchoban Foundation. Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin

Sauerbruch Hutton is an international studio for architecture, urban planning and design. Founded in London in 1989 by Louisa Hutton and Matthias Sauerbruch, it is now based in Berlin. From 1999 the two founders have been sharing their responsibility with Juan Lucas Young; since 2020 with 13 further partners. Drawing in Space is the first exhibition dedicated to Sauerbruch Huttons drawings that have been created over some thirty-five years. A wide array ranging from the founders individual student and early collaborative works executed in ink, charcoal, watercolour and, to digitally produced drawings and carried out in a further variety of graphic techniques by teams in the studio. This catalogue presents a visual cross section of the drawings - together with a sampling of their related projects - in a loose, associative sequence that unfolds independently of medium, technique or context of each particular work. This gives rise to a panoramic view of architectural themes as well as an insight into the processes of reflection that inform the creation of Sauerbruch Huttons architecture: drawing is an indispensable means for the discovery of form, colour and material in both real and imagined space. The catalogue documents not only the hanging of the works in the Tchoban Foundation, but also an interactive installation that was conceived especially for this exhibition: playfully extending the idea of the 2-dimensional drawing into 3-dimensional space, inviting visitors to step into the artwork itself. An essay by Kirsty Bell completes this tour dhorizon.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Anne Pitz/Simon Cowper
Verlag S. Tchoban Foundation
ISBN 9783944899220
ISBN/EAN 9783944899220
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage(inkl . Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 22.03.2024
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 23.04.2024
Einband Gebunden
Format 2 x 23.8 x 17.3
Seitenzahl 160 S.
Gewicht 547

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag S. Tchoban Foundation
ISBN 9783944899220
Erscheinungsdatum 22.03.2024
Einband Gebunden
Format 2 x 23.8 x 17.3
Gewicht 547

Catalogue of the exhibition SAUERBRUCH HUTTON DRAWING IN SPACE shown from 3rd February to 5th May 2024 at the Tchoban Foundation. Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin

Sauerbruch Hutton is an international studio for architecture, urban planning and design. Founded in London in 1989 by Louisa Hutton and Matthias Sauerbruch, it is now based in Berlin. From 1999 the two founders have been sharing their responsibility with Juan Lucas Young; since 2020 with 13 further partners. Drawing in Space is the first exhibition dedicated to Sauerbruch Huttons drawings that have been created over some thirty-five years. A wide array ranging from the founders individual student and early collaborative works executed in ink, charcoal, watercolour and, to digitally produced drawings and carried out in a further variety of graphic techniques by teams in the studio. This catalogue presents a visual cross section of the drawings - together with a sampling of their related projects - in a loose, associative sequence that unfolds independently of medium, technique or context of each particular work. This gives rise to a panoramic view of architectural themes as well as an insight into the processes of reflection that inform the creation of Sauerbruch Huttons architecture: drawing is an indispensable means for the discovery of form, colour and material in both real and imagined space. The catalogue documents not only the hanging of the works in the Tchoban Foundation, but also an interactive installation that was conceived especially for this exhibition: playfully extending the idea of the 2-dimensional drawing into 3-dimensional space, inviting visitors to step into the artwork itself. An essay by Kirsty Bell completes this tour dhorizon.

