Handbuch Permakultur

Klug planen und nachhaltig gärtnern

Windsperger, Ulrike

192 Seiten, 138 Farbfotos und Zeichnungen

24,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern

Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)

Intelligent planning and self-sufficient gardening Would you like to garden in accordance with nature, and are you interested in your own growing, or a raised bed in your garden? If so, the permaculture garden is for you. In her book, Ulrike Windsperger shows you how you can design gardens on a permaculture basis that require a minimum of time and effort, while also becoming an edible paradise. After a brief introduction to the principles and philosophy of permaculture, she describes exactly what distinguishes a permaculture garden from other gardens, and how it can be planned and designed. Needless to say, it's all about not working against nature, but instead observing and then utilising the principles of nature for your own ends.

Ulrike Windsperger ist Gartenbauexpertin, Imkerin und Kräuterpädagogin. Die Permakultur liegt ihr besonders am Herzen, dazu bietet sie auch Gartenplanung und -beratung an.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Windsperger, Ulrike
Verlag Verlag Eugen Ulmer
ISBN 9783800103027
ISBN/EAN 9783800103027
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)
Erscheinungsdatum 06.05.2016
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 24.10.2016
Einband Gebunden
Format 1.8 x 24 x 17.6
Seitenzahl 192 S., 138 Farbfotos und Zeichnungen
Gewicht 679

Weitere Informationen

Mehr Informationen
Verlag Verlag Eugen Ulmer
ISBN 9783800103027
Erscheinungsdatum 06.05.2016
Einband Gebunden
Format 1.8 x 24 x 17.6
Gewicht 679

Intelligent planning and self-sufficient gardening Would you like to garden in accordance with nature, and are you interested in your own growing, or a raised bed in your garden? If so, the permaculture garden is for you. In her book, Ulrike Windsperger shows you how you can design gardens on a permaculture basis that require a minimum of time and effort, while also becoming an edible paradise. After a brief introduction to the principles and philosophy of permaculture, she describes exactly what distinguishes a permaculture garden from other gardens, and how it can be planned and designed. Needless to say, it's all about not working against nature, but instead observing and then utilising the principles of nature for your own ends.

Ulrike Windsperger ist Gartenbauexpertin, Imkerin und Kräuterpädagogin. Die Permakultur liegt ihr besonders am Herzen, dazu bietet sie auch Gartenplanung und -beratung an.

